Artist Nicholas Deveaux has made quite a name for himself by creating whimsical animations of animals doing distinctly human activities. The video below, 5 mètres 80, shows a team of high-diving giraffes performing some seriously impressive flips. Deveaux's animation skills are flawless; from the way the giraffes's ears move to how they run, every little detail contributes to as realistic of a rendition as possible. The impeccably-designed graphics will take you on a delightful departure from reality, and it's sure to put a smile on your face.
Deveaux's devotion to detail is undeniable - if you're watching and practically forget it's an animation, then he's clearly done an amazing job. We must remember that no one has even actually seen a high-diving giraffe, so in designing this animation, Deveaux was imagining a complex idea that had never before been represented visually. He had no model to work with, nor any videos to watch that would show him exactly what a giraffe would look like diving from a high board and then swimming in a pool. The fluid and polished animation you see below is the result of Deveaux's incredible imagination.
What do you think of Deveaux's high-diving giraffes? Let us know your thoughts in the comments below!