Time Lapse Shows Incredible 8-Hour Blooming Cycle Of Echinopsis Cacti
Time lapse shows the beautiful, hypnotic transformation of Echinopsis cacti in bloom.
Jennifer | Writer Collective
Dancer Bares Her Soul In This Hauntingly Beautiful, One-Take Performance
Dancer Roya Carreras delivers a soul-crushing performance in this one-take interaction between dancer and camera.
Jennifer | Writer Collective
Anamorphic Kinetic Sculpture Moves In Breathtaking Ways
Breaking Wave is an anamorphic kinetic sculpture that aims to call attention to the power of perspective.
Jennifer | Writer Collective
Projection Mapping On The Human Face Creates A Breathtaking Effect
Nothing seems out of place at first glance, but when she tilts her head, your perception will take a dramatic shift. 
Jennifer | Writer Collective
Zheng Chunhui's Extraordinary, World Record-Holding Wooden Carving
Chinese artist Zheng Chunhui spent four years of his life working on a masterpiece that would later earn him a spot in the Guinness Book of Records.
Jennifer | Writer Collective
Kinetic Sculptures Create Interesting Visual Effect
Washington-based Anthony Howe is a sculpture artist unlike any other. The artist was unsatisfied with his work being static, for his work, he wanted to harness the power of wind.
Jennifer | Writer Collective
Fine Art Body Painting by Johannes Stötter
Things are not always as they appear to be, and this chameleon is proof. Do you see what's hiding in this image? 
Jennifer | Writer Collective
Kirsty Mitchell's 'She'll Wait For You In The Shadows Of Summer' Photo Shoot
She's being prepped for a photo shoot with Kirsty Mitchell as part of the 'Wonderland' series, and the whole process is completely fascinating. 
Jennifer | Writer Collective
Artist Uses Projection Mapping In Nature To Create A 'Bioluminescent Forest'
He spent six weeks in a forest intrigued by its silence and natural occurrences, and this inspired him to create a visually breathtaking 'bioluminescent forest'. 
Jennifer | Writer Collective
Teacher Paints Portraits On His Hand To Create Stunning 'Hand-Stamps'
Russell Powell is an extraordinary first grade teacher who inspires his students to think creatively by sharing his unique artistic talent.
Jennifer | Writer Collective
Sculpture Surprises Onlookers Who Disregard Its Warning
A warning under this Erik Pirolt scultpure reads 'Warning Do Not Look Into The Eyes.' This is what happens when viewers don't head that warning.
Jennifer | Writer Collective
Time-Lapse Of Joe Mangrum Creating Sand Paintings Is Absolutely Breathtaking
Joe Mangrum recently created 8 new stunning sand paintings the Doe Museum in Zuidlaren, Netherlands. His whole process was caught on film in this spectacular time-lapse.
Jennifer | Writer Collective
Psychedelic Projection-Mapped Paintings Will Put You In A Blissful Trance
Nina Topinko and Nate Siggard's collaborative paintings take on new life under delicate layers of projected light.
Jennifer | Writer Collective
Photographer's Project Shows Beauty & Strength Of Women With Cystic Fibrosis
They're nicknamed 'the Salty Girls,' and for a reason that most people are unfamiliar with, but these women are incredibly strong, brave, and beautiful.
Jennifer | Writer Collective
Thousands Of Fluorescent Bulbs Perfectly Animate J.S. Bach's Music
Artist Alan Warburton created this divine visual representation of Johanne Sebastien Bach's The Well Tempered Clavier using thousands of fluorescent lights in both a gallery space and the parking garage below it.
Jennifer | Writer Collective
Daniel Wurtzel's 'Magic Carpet' Is Absolutely Spellbinding
Every once in a while, an artist is able to appropriate an ordinary object in such an extraordinary way that the object becomes lifelike; this is what Daniel Wurtzel has done with 'Magic Carpet.'
Jennifer | Writer Collective
Artist Uses Her Mind To Manipulate 48 Bowls Of Water
Lisa Park uses her mind and emotions to manipulate 48 bowls of water in this absolutely extraordinary work.
Jennifer | Writer Collective
Photographer Douses Dancers In Flour - These Shots Are Unbelievable
Photographer Alexander Yakovlev specializes in photographing dancers, and when he decided to cover his subjects in flour, the results were completely breathtaking.
Jennifer | Writer Collective
He Wraps String Around Thousands Of Nails. The Final Image Is Incredible
Vova Zagranovsky meticulously places 13,000 nails on a wooden surface and then wraps 24 kilometers of thread around them to create this incredible portrait.
Jennifer | Writer Collective
Artist Places Zoetrope Sculptures In A Forest And Creates Hypnotizing Animation
An artist places wooden zoetrope sculptures, each of which has 18 different "forms," in a forest. To create an incredible visual illusion, the artist weaves together individual frames that show each sculpture's succession of 18 different instances.
Jennifer | Writer Collective
Creative Team Maps Projections Onto A Grain Of Rice. This Is Absolutely Insane
A Japanese team created the world's smallest projection mapping project by projecting onto a single grain of rice.
Jennifer | Writer Collective
He Places Marbles On Sand. When They Move, It's Downright Hypnotizing
Bruce Shapiro created a kinetic drawing machine reminiscent of zen gardens. A magnet pulls marbles across a sand-covered surface in a spectacularly meditative fashion.
Jennifer | Writer Collective
Scuba Divers Pull This Model To The Underwater Set. The Result Is Absolute Magic
Photographer Benjamin Von Wong takes us on a journey in this exclusive look at the making of this shipwreck photo shoot.
Jennifer | Writer Collective
He Hangs A Photo For Reference. The Rest Of His Unique Process Had Me Hypnotized
Independent artist L7m gives a rare behind-the-scenes look at his painting process, and the finished mural is just as stunning as his process is riveting.
Jennifer | Writer Collective
It Looks Like A Standard Chandelier, But I'm In Complete Awe After Seeing This
What at first appears to be a chandelier quickly reveals itself to be a breathtaking kinetic light installation that will take your breath away.
Jennifer | Writer Collective
She Starts With A Faint Sketch. The Finished Portrait Took My Breath Away
Agnes Cecile wanted to do something special for her first solo exhibit, so she took to the wall that led into the exhibit and created an absolutely breathtaking mural.
Jennifer | Writer Collective
He's Working On This Canvas, But What He's Painting With Blew My Mind
At first glance, this may not seem like anything out of the ordinary, but take a closer look at what he has in his hand...
Jennifer | Writer Collective
She Spent 5 Days Painting And Re-Painting Her Face. Once Animated - Magical
To explore the idea of rebirth, she paints her face in different iterations to create a startlingly complex animation by using stop frame techniques.
Jennifer | Writer Collective
He Places A Stencil On Her Chest. Under A Black Light, She Looks Wild
Using an air brush and stencils, artist Roustan paints an image on this model's body. When displayed under a black light, the painting takes on a whole new form.
Jennifer | Writer Collective
Man Scoops Sand Into A Jar. Minutes Later? The Final Result Is Insane
This is true talent!
Jennifer | Writer Collective
Photographer Reveals His Secret In Creating 'Liquid Portraits'
Aaron Nace from Phlearn Photography walks us through the process of creating absolutely stunning 'liquid portraits.'
Jennifer | Writer Collective
He Pours Paint And Blows At It, The Outcome Is Better Than I've Ever Imagined
Did you know about this?
Jennifer | Writer Collective
He Submerges His Arms In Water. Once He Pulls Them Out, I'm In Disbelief
Jennifer | Writer Collective
An Old Man Spray Paints Public Space, But The Reason Why Is Brilliant
Graffiti and street art are mediums that seem almost entirely associated with youth, but seniors are picking up spray cans for a wild reason.
Jennifer | Writer Collective
He Films Ink With A Macro Lens And Captures An Unbelievable Perspective
Artist Ruslan Khasanov films four different colors of ink mixing together with a macro lens and reveals a startlingly beautiful side of this material.
Jennifer | Writer Collective
They Turn This Model Into A 'Primordial Goddess,' And She's Spellbinding
Céline campaign girl Daria Werbowy is reimagined as a 'Primordial Goddess' with the help of CGI to explore the concepts of life, death, and rebirth.
Jennifer | Writer Collective
High Diving Giraffe Animation Is Perfectly Entertaining
They soar and flip from the high dive, but these divers are sure to take you by surprise. 
Jennifer | Writer Collective
'The Reinvention Of Normal' Examines The Mind Of Artist/Inventor Dominic Wilcox
This short film follows Dominic Wilcox, an artist,  inventor, and designer, who transforms the ordinary into the "surprising, wondrous and strangely thought provoking."
Jennifer | Writer Collective
Seattle Artist Creates Street Art That Is Only Visible When It Rains
Artist Peregrine Church creates street art that is only visible at the time when people probably need to see it most.
Jennifer | Writer Collective
Floating Flower Garden, An Installation Piece By TeamLab
Floating Flower Garden is an installation piece by TeamLab, a Japanese art collective of “ultra-technologists” led by Toshiyuki Inoko.
Jennifer | Writer Collective
He Transforms Everyday Inantimate Objects Into Something Extraordinary
When the ordinary becomes the extraordinary...
Jennifer | Writer Collective
Behind The Scenes Look At Kirsty Mitchell Photo Shoot 
Piece by delicate piece they assemble the glorious and stunning costume for photographer Kirsty Mitchell's 'Gaia, The Birth Of An End.' 
Jennifer | Writer Collective
Artist Maude White Unveils A New Series Of Paper Carvings
Artist Maude White reveals another series of her breathtaking carved paper. 
Jennifer | Writer Collective
He Risks Everything For The Perfect Photo
Photographer risks life and limb for the perfect shot. And the results are incredible.
Jennifer | Writer Collective
Anamorphic Kinetic Sculpture Moves In Breathtaking Ways
Breaking Wave is an anamorphic kinetic sculpture that aims to call attention to the power of perspective. 
Jennifer | Writer Collective
This Rock Stacking Artist Is Capable Of Some Seriously Amazing Things 
When we first saw this man stacking these oddly shaped stones, we thought disaster was imminent. However, as he kept going, we were glued to the screen. Absolutely amazing...
Jennifer | Writer Collective
Loving Mother Captures Her Daughter's 'Fairytale'
This loving mother captures stunning pictures of her daughter, but it's the secret she's holding behind her back that truly makes her special. Look closely or you just might miss it.
Jennifer | Writer Collective
Man Performs An Interesting Technique To Create Wooden Decorations 
He takes an ordinary piece of wood and transforms it into a beautiful masterpiece in only minutes. 
Jennifer | Writer Collective
Artist Shows Off Her Talents By Painting On People
Artists Alexa Meade is a painter, but she doesn't follow the traditional routes. She likes to bring her paintings to life and does it in a way I haven't seen done before.
Jennifer | Writer Collective
Artists Uses Drill To Create Works Of Art On Egg Shells
If you've ever cooked an egg, then you're probably familiar with how fragile their shells can be. That's part of what makes these works of art so amazing.
Jennifer | Writer Collective
You Won't Believe What This Street Art Does When Seen From Space. Totally Crazy
When we first saw these people painting the street, we didn't think much of it. But, when we saw the end result, our minds were collectively blown. This is remarkable!
Jennifer | Writer Collective
An Artist Films Marine Creatures At High Magnification With Gorgeous Results
They seem surreal, almost like computer generated images, but what you are seeing are living creatures that you otherwise may not pay much attention to at all...
Jennifer | Writer Collective
'Preservation' by Blake Little
Portrait photographer Blake Little covered models in honey for his series entitled 'Preservation.' 
Jennifer | Writer Collective
Adorable Street Art That Interacts With Its Surroundings
This incredible street artist has mastered the art of making his pieces interact with their environment.
Jennifer | Writer Collective
Artist Uses Chopsticks To Create A Portrait Of Jackie Chan
Thanks to the popularity of Asian foods worldwide, everyone is now familiar with wooden chopsticks. Artist 'Red' Hong Yi has found a creative use for them. 
Jennifer | Writer Collective
This Man Shows Off A New Door Design
It would be interesting to see if something like this could catch on.
Jennifer | Writer Collective
Artist Experiments With Skin Textures
Using household items, photographer Juuke Schoorl experiments with the unique qualities of skin to create striking images. 
Jennifer | Writer Collective
He Uses Spray Paint And Stencils To Create Works Of Art
The transformation from blank canvas to result is incredible.
Jennifer | Writer Collective
3D Printed Sculptures Look Alive When Spun Under A Strobe Light
A series of 3D printed sculptures are designed such that the appendages fit Fibonacci's Sequence, a mathematical sequence that manifest naturally in objects like sunflowers and pinecones. When spun, these sculptures come to life. 
Jennifer | Writer Collective
Stunning Photos From Photographer Mihaela Noroc's 'Atlas Of Beauty' 
29-year-old Romanian photographer Mihaela Noroc quit her job two years ago to travel the globe. Her project, The Atlas of Beauty, showcases portraits of women from 37 different countries that paint a stunning picture of our planet's diversity. 
Jennifer | Writer Collective